fur free

Blessed was, is and will always be a fur-free brand and supports the international Fur Free Retailer Program. This marks retailers who have made a written commitment to not using fur.
Although fur still enjoys a reputation as a "natural product", it is anything but natural. Its production causes massive environmental pollution, but the often chemically treated products can also be dangerous to human health. Not to mention the cruelty to animals involved in fur production. Whether in European countries or in the Far East, there is no ethical form of fur production.

How do you tell real fur from faux fur?
In the meantime, artificial skins are made so deceptively like real fur that it is becoming increasingly difficult for laypeople to decide between them. But there are at least two safe ways to distinguish real fur from fake fur:
1. Artificial skins always have a knitted / woven base: the colored polyester fibers are integrated into this. If you part the hair (or blow it apart), you can clearly see the basic structure. Some faux fur is so dense that it is best to look at the back of the faux fur: to do this, remove the faux fur trim and make a small incision, or even better - tear the outer fabric in a small spot and you will immediately see if there is one Mesh structure (knitted fabric = artificial fur) or an animal skin!
2. Burning test: If you set fire to real animal or human hair, it has the very peculiar smell of keratin! There is a smell of horn, what remains is ash. Synthetic hair, on the other hand, melts into clumps like plastic and smells similar to plastic. When these "acrylic fibers" (material faux fur) burn, there is an indefinitely sweet smell, first melting and then burning. Russ develops. What remains is a hard, black melt bead.